Book Proposals
Is there a book in you? Blue Pencil Consulting can coach you through the process of crafting a book proposal, the key marketing tool you’ll need for pitching agents or publishers. Think of it as a business plan for your non-fiction book.
We help authors with book proposals – from concept to final editing before submittal to publisher or agent. Crafting a sharp, focused book proposal helps you make a positive impression and can move you closer to getting a book contract. Even if you decide to self-publish, you may still want to create a book proposal to serve as a business plan for your book.

Book Proposal clients include:
A Life Rebuilt: The Remarkable Transformation of a War Orphan, Sylvia Ruth Gutmann (Epigraph Publishing, 2018)
Winning the Math Homework Challenge: Insights for Parents to See Math Differently, Catheryne Draper (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, December 2016) [Original book proposal was for one book; publisher opted to turn it into a series of 4 books, published in 2016 and 2017.]
The Chemistry of Strategy: Strategic Planning for the Not-Yet-Fortune 500 by John W. Myrna (Global Professional Publishing, 2014) *
The Great Penguin Rescue by Dyan deNapoli (Free Press Division of Simon & Schuster, 2010 hardcover; 2011 paper)
Her Turn: Why It’s Time for Women to Lead in America by Vicki Donlan (Praeger Press, 2007) *
Lead with Your Heart: Sell Happiness and You and Your Business Will Flourish by Lew Green (HRD Press, 2008) *
Why Dogs Wag Their Tails: Lessons Leaders Can Learn About Work, Joy, and Life by Sherri McArdle and Jim Ramerman (Wbusiness Books, 2007) *
Parallel Peaks: Business Insights While Climbing the World’s Highest Mountains by John D. McQuaig (HRD Press, 2007) *
Fly Fit: How to Travel and Stay Agile by Maggie Melanson (HRD Press, 2007) *
Six Sizzling Markets: How to Profit From Investing in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea, and Mexico by Pran Tiku (Wiley Publishing, 2008) *
Manifesting Magnificence by Andrew Lutts (iUniverse, 2008)
Goodbye College, Hello Life! Lisa Brock (HRD Press, 2008) *
Other book proposals in development.
* Project done with Emerson Consulting Group.