Newburyport smallOne of the best ways to showcase your expertise and boost your professional credibility is to share your ideas in a book. Whether you’re already writing a blog, people keep telling you that “you should write a book,” or you’re just curious about how to get started, a presentation I’m giving on April 6 in Newburyport, MA, will give you a quick introduction to why and how you can write a book that boosts your business.

I’ll be speaking to the next meeting of Port City Women in Newburyport, MA, on Monday, April 6, 2015, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at The Port Tavern, 84 State Street, Newburyport. The meeting fee is $5; dinner and drinks may be ordered on your own. For more information about Port City Women, visit: City Women logo

Drawing on examples from my work with book clients, I will cover:

  • The best reasons to write a book (and best reasons not to),
  • How to get started on your own book, and
  • How to choose the publishing path that makes sense for your book and your business.

If you plan to attend and would like to email me questions in advance (, I’ll try to work those into the presentation as time allows. And if you can’t attend but are interested in having me speak to a business networking or other group you belong to, please let me know! I’ll hope to see you in Newburyport!