by Blue Pencil Consulting | Jun 28, 2013 | Writing
You can tell your business story through words (written and/or spoken) and images. That’s the topic of a panel I’m moderating this morning at the North Shore Business Forum (, with panelists Tony Toledo, storyteller extraordinaire, and...
by Blue Pencil Consulting | Jun 12, 2013 | Social Media, Social Media Content, Writing
Offering dynamic, valuable content through your business website and social media platforms (blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) is what keeps visitors coming back and helps turn them into clients. On June 24, I’ll be teaching a three-hour workshop that focuses on...
by Blue Pencil Consulting | Feb 14, 2013 | Books, Editing, Writing
“Work is love made visible.” — Kahlil Gibran In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to send a heartfelt “thank you” to all my clients, past and present, for the honor and pleasure of working with you to help you tell your stories. In his book The Prophet,...
by Blue Pencil Consulting | May 6, 2012 | Inspiration, Writing
This weekend’s “Muse and the Marketplace” conference, a wonderful annual conference put on by Grub Street in Boston (, is overflowing with ideas for writers, editors, agents and publishers. As additional food for thought, I...
by Blue Pencil Consulting | Feb 10, 2012 | Content, Social Media, Writing
“Have a website! Use social media! Write a blog!” That’s the message business owners are hearing these days. Blogging about your business and being active on different social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter are excellent ways to share valuable...
by Blue Pencil Consulting | Feb 28, 2011 | Conference, Writing
Today a wonderful word landed in my email in-box, courtesy of the A.Word.A.Day newsletter from The word, so relevant to anyone who writes, is sitzfleisch, from the German Sitzfleisch — sitzen (to sit) + Fleisch (flesh). As Wordsmith’s Anu Garg...