Concord Festival of AuthorsIf you think the time has come for you to write and publish a book, but you wonder where to start, you might want to attend this event that’s part of the Concord Festival of Authors. On Wednesday, October 28, 7:30 PM at Kerem Shalom in Concord, MA, join me and fellow panelists David Casullo, Paul Jensen, Ken Lizotte, and Katy Tynan for answers to questions like whether you should look for an agent or approach publishers yourself, or whether self-publishing might be the right choice. We’ll also cover writing tips, time management, and how to avoid writing pitfalls.

I’m looking forward to being in the good company of such accomplished panelists. They include:

David Casullo, author of Leading the High-Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere Where Employees Flourish (McGraw-Hill), is president of Bates, a worldwide leadership-coaching and consulting firm.

Paul Jensen, an engineer by training, self-published his first book, How to Soundproof Your Home, in Denmark in 1974. Since then he has self-published numerous print books and e-books. Most recently, he has completed a cookbook (Got Game? Cook It!), Could Young Love Be a Metaphor for Your Business Success? and 91 Tips on Selling Today.

Katy Tynan, author of the new book Free Agent: The Independent Professional’s Guide to Self-Employment Success (Productivity Press), is an expert on how work is changing. A popular professional speaker, she is a founding partner of Liteskip Consulting Group and MindBridge Partners.

Ken Lizotte is the author of six books and literary agent for over a hundred more. Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO) of emerson consulting group inc. in Concord, NA his firm “transforms business experts into thought leaders” by helping them publish their ideas. Ken has moderated similar Concord festival how-to panels since 2009.

This event is free and open to the public, as are other festival events, thanks to the generous support of its
many sponsors. For more information about the festival, visit: Hope to see you there!