Interested in learning more about what it takes to write and publish a non-fiction book? Head over to YouTube ( and watch this video I recorded last week, when I was a guest on the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce’s “Voice of Business”
show, hosted by John King of Headway Strategies Consulting.

It’s a quick 30-minute overview of the key steps in writing and publishing a book, including:

  • the development of the book idea,
  • the writing process,
  • the importance of beta readers / early reviewers,
  • the different paths to publication, and
  • the benefits of engaging a team of professionals (editor, graphic designer, proofreader, printer, etc.) if you choose to self-publish.

The Compass Approach - CoverJohn’s interest in the topic stems from his own experience writing and publishing his new book, The Compass Approach – Successfully Charting Your Business by the Compass. Like a number of my other clients, John wrote the book to share his expertise, and to use in his consulting practice and in the workshops he offers. I served as the book’s editor once John had completed (and then, as you’ll learn from the video, expanded) the manuscript, and pulled together a team of other professionals to help John through the self-publishing process.

If you have a book idea or a partially completed manuscript and would like to discuss possibilities and next steps, I’d love to talk with you. And if you are part of a group that would like a speaker to address topics ranging from writing a book to getting published, I often give talks on these subjects, so please get in touch!