Tell Your Business Story
You can tell your business story through words (written and/or spoken) and images. That's the topic of a panel I'm moderating this morning at the North Shore Business Forum (, with panelists Tony Toledo, storyteller extraordinaire, and Lauren...
Workshop on Creating Social Media Content
Offering dynamic, valuable content through your business website and social media platforms (blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) is what keeps visitors coming back and helps turn them into clients. On June 24, I'll be teaching a three-hour workshop that focuses on how to...
It’s All About the Words
This vintage photo is one of my favorite reminders that the written word has been my passion from a very early age. That’s me, somewhere before age two, sharing my books and magazines with a collection of stuffed friends. Yes, I managed to place the reading materials...
Books Are Love Made Visible
“Work is love made visible.” -- Kahlil Gibran In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to send a heartfelt “thank you” to all my clients, past and present, for the honor and pleasure of working with you to help you tell your stories. In his book The Prophet, poet...
Mingle with Publishing Pros at the New England Authors Expo
Interested in learning more about how more than 50 New England authors have gotten published? Come to the New England Authors Expo and Holiday Book Sale on Sunday, November 11, from 1 PM to 7 PM at the Danversport Yacht Club (Route 62, Danvers, MA). Meet authors, buy...
Use an Editorial Calendar to Manage Your Social Media Content
If you are a busy business owner using one or more social media platforms to build community and attract potential clients, you may struggle to come up with relevant content on a consistent basis. Adding dynamic, valuable content to platforms like your blog, Facebook,...
Are Books the “New Business Card”?
“Books are no longer simply books, they are branding devices and credibility signals -- not to mention the reason their authors command large speaking or consulting fees.” So says Ryan Holiday, in a column today on the Fast Company website. His point is that authors...
Social Media Bonanza!
Two events coming up this month for business owners who need to learn more about using social media for fun and profit. If you have a website, a blog, and/or a Facebook or LinkedIn page for your business, dynamic, valuable content is what keeps visitors coming back...
Food for Thought at Muse 2012
This weekend's "Muse and the Marketplace" conference, a wonderful annual conference put on by Grub Street in Boston (, is overflowing with ideas for writers, editors, agents and publishers. As additional food for thought, I collected some...
Social Media: Content is King
“Have a website! Use social media! Write a blog!” That’s the message business owners are hearing these days. Blogging about your business and being active on different social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter are excellent ways to share valuable...